What does it mean to be “born free” in Christ?
1. We are “Born Free” from the Bondage and Pain of Our Past.
Specifically we saw how through Jesus we are “born free” from:
A. The Pain of a Misdirected Life, and from:
B. The Bondage of Self-Sufficiency.
What else does it mean to be “born free” in Jesus Christ?
2. We are “Born Free” to Serve. (Gal. 1:15-24)
God set Paul “apart” … so that I might preach…”
When we serve the Lord, there are wonderful results:
A. The Kingdom of God expands.
B. The Body of Christ is encouraged.
C. God is glorified.
3. We are “Born Free” Into God’s Family. (Gal. 2:1-10)
What was Paul’s status before being a member of God’s family?
Paul’s place in God’s family affirmed.
Because of the “grace given us”, we are part of God’s family despite our family, social status, and misdirected past.
4. We are “Born Free” to “Speak the Truth in Love”. (Gal. 2:11-14)
Genuine freedom can only exist and thrive in an environment
where truth is loved and defended.
God does not judge by external appearance.
Paul had been “born free” to “speak the truth in love”.