We learn lots of myths as children and we grow out of them…but we keep learning myths about ourselves, others, our world, and God all our lives.
Without the right truth in our lives, we can get into big trouble.
It’s possible to be sincere, but sincerely wrong!
1. You Are What You Think
What I believe:
A. Is My Choice (note Romans 1:25).
We can discard beliefs and accept new ones.
B. Determines My Behaviour (note Proverbs 4:23).
Wrong beliefs produce similar actions.
C. May be based on psycho-babble.
D. Powerfully Affects My Emotional Health (note Jn 8:32 & Matt 7:24)
How can we begin to change the way we think?
2. Commitment is the Key (note Romans 12:2)
A. I recognise that the only source of absolute truth is God
(note Romans 3:4; Hebrews 6:18; Luke 21:33).
What is going to be the foundation for my life?
Only 2 options: What people say, or what God says.
B. I commit myself to seeking the truth (note 2 Tim 4:3 1 Tim 4:7, 3:15)
We must be careful to not equate experiences with God’s truth…
C. I commit myself to living the truth (note Ephesians 4:14-15)
D. I commit myself to believing in the truth
(note 2 Thessalonians 2:9-13; John 14:6).
We have the freedom to choose what we believe in,
but there are consequences.