1. Are the Sign Gifts for today?
The Bible nowhere says that the gifts have passed.
2. Myths about the Sign Gifts.
a. That Every Christian Must speak in tongues.
b. My Experience Validates the Truth.
c. The Gift of Tongues Increases Faith.
d. Tongues are the sign of Being Filled with the Holy Spirit.
e. Tongues must Always be from God.
f. Tongues are Commanded.
g. Tongues are the most Important Gift for Christians to have.
3. What are the Purposes for the gift of Tongues?
a. The Primary use of Tongues in the NT was to be a Sign. In contrast to what the Corinthians were Practicing,
Paul makes the point that tongues were Not Meant as a sign for Believers.
Tongues are a sign to the Unbelieving.
b. Tongues as a Personal Prayer gift.
c. Tongues are for the Strengthening of the church.
That is done in prescribed conditions.
i. For the Strengthening of the church.
ii. Only to be used in a public time if Interpreters are present.
2 or 3 at the most.
One at a Time.
No interpreter present - Remain Quiet.
Tongues are Not Required for God to Bless a worship service.
All spiritual gifts are to be Exercised in Love and for the strengthening of the church.