

Serve with the C&MA

Qualifications for Pastoral Service

The qualifications for pastoral service are twofold.

Spiritually, a person must have had an experience of salvation, be wholly committed to the Lord Jesus Christ, know a call to full-time service, have some experience in Christian service and be in agreement with the C&MA's doctrine and vision for ministry.

Educationally, a person must have a minimum of a Dip. Th. (preferably a B.Th.) from the Alliance Institute for Mission or its equivalent. At the conclusion of theological training, an ordination study programme must be completed including an oral doctrinal examination.

Ordained ministers from other denominations seeking credentials will undertake a course of reading and will be examined by the Ordination Council.

Qualifications for International Worker Service

The qualifications for missionary service ministry are threefold.

Spiritually, a person must have had an experience of salvation, be wholly committed to the Lord Jesus Christ, know a call to full-time service, have some experience in Christian service and be in agreement with the C&MA's doctrine and vision for ministry.

Educationally, a person must have a minimum of a B.Th. from the Alliance Institute for Mission or its equivalent. At the conclusion of theological training, an ordination study programme must be completed including an oral doctrinal examination. A 2 year home service assignment forms the final preparation prior to departure to the appointed mission field.

General Qualifications include a willingness to endure hardship, counting the cost of missionary service, adaptability to new situations and cultures, good emotional health, be of appropriate age and have a family which qualifies.

English Service Pastor - Full time

Vietnamese Evangelical Church in Australia (Sydney)

C&MA Australia requirements. Applicants must agree to the C&MA Statement of Faith, be able to obtain a Ministry Licence (upon application to the C&MA), and hold a Working with Children and Vulnerable People check.

Qualification and requirements

- Received a calling to serve in a multi-cultural church

- Holds or studying for a diploma or degree in theology or ministry

- Can speak fluent English

- Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident

(Applicants with less experience may be considered)

For inquiry, email to


Pastor - Cantonese Congregation

Brisbane Chinese Alliance Church



本會設有粵語、英語及華語事工,合共約四百會眾參與每週三堂崇拜,粵語群體約佔三分二。現誠聘粵語牧者協助發展粵語事工及牧養當中信徒。申請者須具神學學士或以上學歷,清楚蒙召作教會牧養工作,認同宣道會信仰教義,能操流利粵語及英語(能操華語更佳),並持有澳洲永久居民身份。申請者請將履歷,連同個人得救見證及蒙召見證電郵至 聘牧委員會收。

Cantonese Pastor

We have three congregations of around 400 participants attending the three services in Cantonese, English and Mandarin every Sunday. The Cantonese Congregation accounts for around 2/3 of the total. We are seeking a Cantonese Pastor to assist the development of our Cantonese Ministry and minister to the congregation. The applicant should possess BTh or above, have a clear calling to serve in the local church, agree with the doctrinal statement of the Christian & Missionary Alliance of Australia, be fluent in Cantonese and English (Mandarin will be an advantage), and have permanent residency in Australia. Application, together with CV, personal testimony of conversion and calling to serve, should be sent to the Pastoral Searching Committee via email to

C&MA Australia requirements. Applicants must agree to the C&MA Statement of Faith, be able to obtain a Ministry Licence (upon application to the C&MA), and hold a Working with Children and Vulnerable People check.
