As Jesus' love transforms us, we are compelled to share His healing love with our neighbours. Alliance ministries show best how we share the practical message of Christ’s love with the marginalised, the poor, the wounded, and the sick at home and around the world
Alliance Youth Australia (AYA) aims to unite all young people within the Alliance Churches in Australia and to Encouraging, Equipping and Mobilising Alliance youth on God’s Mission to Australia and the world.
Encourage for Mission To encourage the youth of the C&MA so that by the Holy Spirit they may be empowered to live lives on God’s mission to Australia and the world. Equip for Mission To equip the youth of the C&MA to share the gospel of Jesus in word and action with their communities and the world. Mobilise for Mission To mobilise the youth of the C&MA by providing opportunities to bring hope to Australia and the world through acts of service and evangelism.
Upcoming Events:
For more information contact or visit
Regular Alliance Short Term Mission Exposure Trips to visit our Alliance ministries overseas are organised by our local churches and the AY team.
You’re invited to be a part of an Alliance Mission Exposure Trip to one of our Active Alliance Fields as we seek to expand our knowledge and experience of the great variety of cultures that we in the C&MA family minister in world-wide.
If you would like to be involved in any of these opportunities please contact your local church, contact the AY Team or drop us an email to express your interest.
Mission Exposure Trips are a win-win for eternity. Participants typically return from the field with a deepened Christian commitment to mission while their efforts complement long-term Alliance ministries and workers.
The Alliance Institute for Mission offers specific mission and pastoral training courses for intercultural engagements.
As a member of the Australian College of Ministries (ACOM) the Alliance Institute for Mission was established with the ongoing commission to manage and facilitate both undergraduate and postgraduate award programs in the field of Christian mission and Pastoral ministry.
As a practical institution, our goal is to prepare students academically, but to do so in transformational contexts through which students learn what it is to grow with God in mission. With both cross-cultural spiritual formation and international placements as key elements of the Institute’s offerings, graduates will be effectively equipped to take the message of the Gospel to wherever God might call.
For details of all programs see the Alliance Institute for Mission web-site.
“This movement stands for a spirit of self-sacrifice, adjustment, adaptation and single-hearted love for people. We are called to a spirit so possessed with one supreme object, to gain men and women for Christ, that it sweeps over every other consideration in its overmastering purpose of love." - AB Simpson
The C&MA is committed to sending, partnering and releasing workers to provide access to, and to preach the gospel to all nations.
The Great Commission Fund is our main funding source for the salaries and/or living allowances of the majority of our international workers and partnerships.
It also provides for our national workers, our training and administration needs.
In addition, approved projects (designated funds) provide for the needs of a specific area of ministry or opportunity in a particular region.
It comprises of the Faith Promise and the National Contribution Scheme (where each church contributes to our administration, leadership training through AIM and the Alliance Youth programs).
A unique, centralised support model, funded through our Faith Promise, allows our national leadership the most flexibility to be sensitive to God’s leading and to respond when doors open (or close) and opportunities present themselves.
Our “Faith Promise” for the Great Commission Fund primarily supports:
- Our international mission workers,
- Our local mission workers,
- Our mission partnerships,
- Our professionals (Some of our workers who are Alliance Professionals overseas are self-funded and work in partnership with our C&MA teams.
- New church plants,
Also supplemental support for:
- Training of new workers through our Alliance Institute for Mission,
- National Leadership of the President and Board through the National Office.
As a Mission with Churches, the C&MA depends upon the generous and sacrificial giving of our family of churches in Australia and donors who wish to see that all nations are reached with the gospel.
Yes, I would like to support the Great Commission Fund:
Alliance Church members can make a faith promise to the Great Commission Fund through your local church using the forms below.
MAKE a Regular GIFT:
Together we can do more
One Off Gift
For others who would like to contribute to our team's support you can make your contribution here: GIVE
Thank you for your support.
We minister by Placement of international workers, Partnerships with C&MA fields and missions, Professionals using special skills, Projects in C&MA fields and Prayer.
Thank you for Praying for our Team.
For more information click here:
As a mission with churches we support our international workers, partnerships, Alliance Institute for Mission (our college) and national workers and leadership through our Great Commission Fund.
Our primary funding for our international workers and partnerships is through our "Faith Promise". Our local churches support our faith promise through an annual response during our missions conventions. Our primary funding for our administration and local workers is through each church contributing to our local church contribution scheme.
Yes, I would like to support the team:
Alliance Church members can make a faith promise to the Great Commission Fund through your local church using the forms below.
For others who would like to contribute now to our team's support you can make your contribution
here: Give
Or you can make your contribution at: Give
The C&MA around the world uses the Give giving model to support our workers and ministries.
Thank you for your support,
Rev. Ken Graham
President, C&MA Australia
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You can call us on 02 6282 2900 to discuss how to make a Faith Promise or your local church treasurer can help you make a Faith Promise to support our mission to Everyone, Everywhere, All the Time.
Our Alliance "On MIssion" Prayer:
Our Father, we long for you! Come, transform and enable us by your empowering presence to be people who pray.
We pray for people without access to the gospel. We pray for Jesus' presence in our lives that we may be growing in our walk with you, and growing in our showing of your empowering presence.
We pray we will communicate the gospel with the Sprit's power, both in life and in world.
We pray for unity among our family of believers, unity of purpose and unity in fellowship in our Alliance family, unity to work with other like-minded mission-focused people.
In Jesus' Name, Amen
Deeper Life Part 2: Weekends 2022 will be announced soon
Come and join together to encourage our Alliance DNA on the Deeper Life .
Overview: (There is no need to have attended session 1)
Our Deeper Life Seminars bring to our focus one of the central pillars of the teaching of the Christian and Missionary Alliance.
It is often said that the C&MA is a movement focusing on the Deeper Life and Mission. That is true. Our relationship and walk with Jesus effects all aspects of our lives, including our desire to be on mission. At these gatherings we will be making a strategic life investment together that will further strengthen and enable you to live out your deeper walk with God.
You need a healthy soul to be a healthy, fully-functioning disciple. You need a healthy soul to be a healthy, fully-functioning leader. Our stories have the power to reveal the events that have shaped and wounded us, lies that bind us, strongholds that haunt us, bitterness and anger that eat away at us; and the roots to our troubling sin patterns over, perhaps, for all of our adult lives. We are going to examine what it takes to have and maintain a healthy soul, and how our story powerfully impacts our relationships and current circumstances.
Our time together:
Saturday 9:00am-4:00pm we will gather for prayer, teaching and practical ministry.
Sessions will include:
How the Lord helps us to deal with:
- Caring for our souls: Family Sin Patterns
- Caring for our souls: Healing Wounds
- Caring for our souls: Overcoming Fear
- Caring for our souls: Getting Free from Strong Holds through prayer
- (after 3pm - a time of prayer for those who stay on)
Join us:
We want to see every believer set free and enabled to live the deeper life and mission walk that Dr. Simpson spoke of.
These Deeper Life: Caring for your Soul Weekends will encourage us to experience an "abundant life" walk with God, freed up from many of the things that weigh us down and trip us up, and encourage us to truly be free indeed!
The weekend is designed to help you experience more of God by intentionally exploring what may be holding you back from a flourishing life with Him.
Regardless of where you’re at in your journey with Jesus, we believe He always has more layers of personal freedom for us if we will courageously follow His gentle leadership.
This is a weekend that will deeper your walk with Jesus !
“… let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.
We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus…” Hebrews.12:1-2:
"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36
The speakers will be Rev Ken Graham, President C&MA Australia and Rev Dr Peter Laughlin, Dean of the Alliance Institute for Mission (Academic Team Leader ACOM)
Here’s a link to our outreach website - FAITH. LOVE. HOPE.
The outreach card (pictured) is for your wallet, purse or handbag! It’s to hand out to people who have questions about Jesus, the gospel or the Bible. The card has a link as well as a QR code that will take you straight to the website.
You can also download the site to your mobile phone and save it to your homepage so that it works exactly like an App.
Once on the site, readers are invited to go to any or all of the following pages:
- Faith. Love Hope.
- Why am I here?
- Who is Jesus Christ?
- What is the Bible?
- Want some good news?
- What about other faiths?
- Check us out.
At each page, there is a short text about the topic and there are links to other gospel sites.
The card and website are designed to support Christians who are having gospel-conversations with people. You can call up the site during your conversation to help with answers, or you can just leave the card or link with the people to whom you’re having the conversation and encourage them to read through the pages on the site.
Sharing your story
Each week, Pastor Roy Barton posts a 3-minute video in which he encourages us to share our faith in Jesus. As well as the English version, there are interpreted versions in Mandarin, Cantonese and Vietnamese.
Here’s a link to the “Sharing your story” Youtube Channel - Once the Youtube channel is opened, you will be able to see all editions of the weekly video:
Alliance churches are found in all states and territories except the North Territory and Tasmania. You can connect to one of our churches here.
The Alliance Institute is the official training arm of for the C&MA Australia and is established in partnership with the Australian College of Ministries (ACOM). The Alliance Institute for Mission, led by Dr Peter Laughlin, is a core element of the Alliance training and development strategy in Australia and facilitates ministry training for both local and overseas
Alliance Youth (AY) encourages young adults and youth to know and follow Jesus Christ. Regular AY events and training are organised each year which meet the needs of young people. Contact Alliance Youth.
The Australian Alliance ministers in 5 primary areas. The 5 "P's" of Alliance Mission cover our work in Placements, Partnerships, Professionals, Projects and Prayer.
Our team is found in Sth East Asia, Nth Africa, Israel, Sth America, Japan, Fiji and Australia.
Regular Short Term Mission Trips are organised by our local churches and the AY team.
Mission Conventions are important part of the life of each Alliance Church. For 130 years, Alliance people have been privileged to make His love and mercy known to millions of people through our Faith Promise to the Great Commission Fund.
Our International Relief Organisation