
The One Anothers 1 - Love One Another (John 15, 1 John 3 & 4)

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16 June, 2024Rev Ken GrahamOne Anothers

1.       Recognise what Love is Not.

           Love one another is a Suggestion.

           Love one another is a Command.


2.        What does it Mean to Love one another.

           a.   Love is what Proves the Reality of our Faith.

           b.   Love is the Primary Expression of the Fruit of the Spirit.       

           c.   Love is the Greatest of the 3 Christian Graces.

           d.   Love is the most Identifiable Characteristic of his Disciples.

           He is asking us to make a Choice. To choose for the Highest Good of another.


3.        How Do we Love Each Other?

           Love is something that is Demonstrated by Actions and not by Words.


Our love for one another Demonstrates that God’s indwelling Presence is in our Lives.

It Demonstrates the presence of God in your life to the World Around you.

More from 'One Anothers'

The One Anothers 9 – Bear with One Another (Eph 4:2, Gal 6:2, Col 3:13 )

11 August, 2024 Rev Ken Graham

Loving one another also means Bearing with one another.

To bear with one another shows the work of the Spirit of God in our lives.

2 primary definitions of what it means to bear with one another:

1. Forgiving One Another.

Bearing with one another describes an aspect of forgiving other people that is difficult, unpleasant and may involve suffering.

Instead of being bitter or resentful or vengeful, we can ask God to help us to bear with one another and help us forgive in spite of the pain we feel.

2. Restoring One Another.

Genuine forgiveness leads to restoration.

Restoration should be done by spiritually minded people who are manifesting the fruit of the Spirit in their life.

To restore a fallen person requires the ministry of God in our lives, and in their life.

It requires a loving gentleness and a genuine humility.

As difficult as restoring one another can be, when a person’s life is restored to usefulness what a powerful tool there is in the hand of God.


The One Anothers 8 – Pray for One Another (James 5)

4 August, 2024 Rev Ken Graham

Loving one another also means Praying for one another.

1. We can more Effectively Pray for one another:

a. By Praying.

Prayer is a Conversation that Grows out of a Personal Relationship with God.

The Ultimate goal is to pray Continuously.

b. By Being Transparent.

This is required so there are No Blockages to Worship or Hindrances in our Spiritual life.

2. What will Happen when we Pray for One another?

a. Physical Needs are Met.

God Can and Does at times extend Healing to our Physical bodies According to his Will.

b. Spiritual Needs are Met.

Prayer is the Best Thing we can Do for each other.

c. Nations are Changed.

Prayer can produce Real and Powerful Change.

d. Individuals are Changed.

When we Pray for one another Needs are Met and People are Changed.


The One Anothers 7 – Encourage One Another (2 Tim 1)

28 July, 2024 Rev Ken Graham

Loving one another also means Encouraging one another.

A NT example of an Encourager is Onesiphorus.

Some of the Characteristics of an Encourager:

1. Encouragers are Refreshing.

2. Encouragers take Risks.

- Onesiphorus was not a Fair Weather Friend.

- He took a Risk in Ministering to Paul.

3. Encouragers Work Hard.

- Encouragers go Out of There Way to be encouragers.

- They look for Opportunities to Encourage.

4. Encouragers are Consistent.

- His ability to do this was a product of a Spirit Controlled Life.

- Encouragers are producing the Fruit of the Spirit.

Encouraging one another allows us to Refresh and bring an Advantage to one another.


The One Anothers 6 – Serve One Another (Eph 5)

21 July, 2024 Rev Ken Graham

Loving one another also means Serving one another.

1. Why is it Hard to Serve one another?

a. Serving one another is Not Easy.

b. So Paul tells them Real/Genuine Spirituality looks like.

2. What Happens when we Serve one another?

a. We Experience true Freedom.

b. We Fulfil the Intention of the Law.

3. How do we Serve one another in Love?

The Challenge to serve one another is Actually an Invitation to Live by the Spirit.

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.


The One Anothers 5 – Comfort One Another (2 Cor 1, 1 Thes 4)

14 July, 2024 Rev Ken Graham

Loving one another also means Comforting one another.

God is Pictured in the OT and NT as a God of Comfort.

1. What does it Mean to Comfort One Another?

The Greek word parakleto means “to Draw Near” “to Come along Side”

The Holy Spirit is referred to as the Comforter. Comfort involves Personal Presence.

2. Why is Comforting one another Important?

Bad things, Tragic things, happen to Christians too.

But Christians do not have to face Troubles and Difficulties Alone.

3. How do we Comfort each Other?

a. By Experiencing Personally God’s Comfort.

b. By Recognising that God is in Control.

Comforting one another Focuses on God’s Truth which brings Comfort.


The One Anothers 4 - Instruct One Another (Romans 15:14)

7 July, 2024 Rev Ken Graham

How is Instructing one another a Practical Demonstration of loving one another?

It is Speaking the Truth in Love.

1. We need to Understand the meaning of this word “Instruct”.

Admonish is a better term. To Admonish is “put something Into Mind”, “to Caution”, to “call Attention to something”.

It Conveys the meaning of Eph 4:15 - Speaking the Truth in Love.

Admonish one another is a way that we show we Care, we Love.

2. Competence is Required to Instruct each other.

What made them Competent to Instruct one another?

a. They were Full of Goodness.

b. They were Complete in Knowledge.

Goodness is important for Strong Christians to Instruct others.

Knowledge is important for Weak Christians to Instruct others.

God’s Word is Living, Reliable and when Applied to life we Grow.

Admonishing one another Speaks the Truth in Love.


The One Anothers 3 - Accept One Another (Rom 14 & 15)

30 June, 2024 Rev Ken Graham

Why do we have Trouble Accepting one another?

1. We Misinterpret the Concept of Biblical Acceptance.

- Biblical acceptance is a Commitment to Receiving people Where they are.

- Biblical acceptance is the Avenue by which God works Through Us to bring about Transformation in others.

2. Because there are Strong Christians and Weak Christians.

- Disputable matters are Not taught clearly in the Bible.

- Disputable matters are Lifestyle issues that Change from

Generation to generation and from Culture to culture.

How can we Accept One Another?

1. Acknowledge that there are and there will be Disputable matters among Christians.

- There are areas where Christians do Not Agree.

- There is Room in the Kingdom of God for a bit of Diversity.

2. Acknowledge that our fellowship is Not Based on Total Agreement on Disputable matters.

- There must be Agreement on the Essentials to have Fellowship.

3. Submit to God’s Authority.

- Both the Strong and the Weak are under God’s Authority.

4. Practice your personal Convictions on Disputable matters.

- Things God has Impressed on you, Without making it an Issue with Other believers.

5. The Strong are to Loving uphold the Weak.

- To exercise our Freedom in Christ Knowing it is going to Cause the Weak to Stumble is Wrong.

6. Follow the Example of Jesus Christ.

- When we Accept each other God is Praised.


The One Anothers 2 - Honour One Another (Romans 12, 1 Cor 12, Phil 2 )

23 June, 2024 Rev Ken Graham

All the other “One Anothers” of the Bible are simply Practical ways of Fulfilling the Command to “Love One Another”.

To honour one another is to Regard each other as Valuable.

We will Value each other:

1. On the basis of our Spiritual Transformation.

Human beings, Don’t Naturally regard other human beings as Valuable.

We need a Personal Transformation.

2. On the basis of our Spiritual Gifts.

All of us Belong to one Body. We all Have Value.

When we honour each other we Recognise that God is Active in each Person’s Life.

3. On the basis of our Supreme Example.

Jesus is our Supreme Example. Honouring one another Produces Rejoicing.
